Credit Card
Date Description Debit Credit Balance Matched Amount View Receipt Variabce
- - - - -
- - - - -

Upload Expenses

Add Expense
Alert Receipt Payment Type Expense Type Suppliers Details Date Requested
Out of Pocket Travel Local - 09/20/2021 AUD 400.00
Out of Pocket Travel Local - 09/20/2021 AUD 400.00


Expense Claims
Description Employee Date Amount
Test Copy John Doe 09/20/2021 59.00
Test Copy John Doe 09/20/2021 59.00
Expense Management
Date Merchant Amount Category Description
09/20/2021 Test Copy 59.00 Uncategorised
09/20/2021 Test Copy 59.00 Uncategorised

Chart under construction.

Step1: Select your approval routing

After employees submit an expense claim for approval who should it go to?

Step2: Choose weather to allow additional approvers

After employees submit an expense claim for approval who should it go to?

Expense Settings

General Compliance

Company Card Compliance

Expense Setup

GL Code Flag Expense Over Don't Allow Expense Over Comments Status
Advertising Online 100 - - Activate
Advertising Online 100 - - Deactivate
Add Credit Card
Program Name Country/Region DCard Issuer Card Type Program Type Status
Westpac Banking Corpotation VISA Corporate Card CBCP - AU Australia Westpac Banking Corpotation Master Card Corporate Card Active
Westpac Banking Corpotation VISA Corporate Card CBCP - AU Australia Westpac Banking Corpotation Master Card Corporate Card Active
Add Credit Card
Program Name Posting Currency Status Edit Actions
Out of Pocket AUD Active - Rename
Pending Card Transaction AUD Active - Rename
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